At AyitiGenius, we are a company that offers web development, AI, and networking training to young individuals with limited financial resources. Our mission is to empower these individuals with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in the digital world.

My Background


About Me

2022 - Present


2019 - 2022


2017 - 2019

Recent Projects


parachute bag
parachute bag
silhouette of people on swing during sunset
silhouette of people on swing during sunset
people riding on boat on river during daytime
people riding on boat on river during daytime
Web Development
person piling blocks
person piling blocks
people standing on rock during daytime
people standing on rock during daytime
person in black pants and brown shoes jumping on brown rock near body of water during
person in black pants and brown shoes jumping on brown rock near body of water during
Mobile App Development
E-commerce Solutions